If we could crack the Google code, publish a site and get it to no1 on Google whenever we wished, there would be no WebDog Blog I can promise you, The Old Dogs would be sunning it up, sipping margaritas or our catching Snapper on a sixty foot fishing launch. It’s just as hard to build a presence online as it is running a shop in the high street and if anyone tells you different they’re probably trying to sell you something!

So who are the dogs and what are they so qualified?

I’ll get straight to the point and tell you a little bit about the Old Dogs and why you can trust what they say.

When Considering a Development Partner, Ask This Super-Important Question FIRST:

“How much money have YOU made online?”

WebDog is NOT an ordinary Web marketing or development agency. We’re owned and operated by a very rare breed indeed … ‘Entrepreneurs’ who actually run successful, profitable online businesses of their own.

The Dogs have run commercial websites for nearly fifteen years. Each business has been built from zero and self-funded with no outside investments or loans. Every one has grown through trial and failure using strategic testing, methods and technologies with a laser sharp focus on a ‘return’ for every dollar invested. In ‘plain speak’, if we don’t make money, we don’t eat!

It’s a sad but true FACT that “nobody really gives a damn about your business!”

They don’t want to read your Company History or Profile; they’re not interested in reading About Us, and they certainly couldn’t give a flying fig about what wonderful people the staff are (although I’m sure they are!)

A customer has a problem and ALL they want is it solved … An efficient Web Business will ask, “What can we do for you?” and deliver the solution.

We’ve traded online for over twelve years, have grown   exponentially and now manage a truly international operation with interests in USA, UK, India, Europe, The Philippines, and now New Zealand.

Over our time online we’ve suffered large bouts of confusion, encountered information overload and become utterly bewildered at times, but slowly and by actually working through real-world issues, we’ve climbed to a lofty height on that formidable learning curve.

We’ve employed the services of numerous web agencies for projects and during our time on the Web have endured every problem imaginable. We’ve gone live with propositions so prolific that sheer demand crashed the servers or broke the code. We’ve had websites that enjoyed high traffic (visitors) from search engines only to see it disappear overnight (recently!) We’ve had to deal with hackers, data thieves, you name it … and many other issues the everyday ‘Web Designer’ simply wouldn’t encounter.

Over the years we have fine tuned every aspect of a ‘Web Business’ … from security to online payment processing, from testing sales conversion rates to efficient delivery of product, from scalable server architecture to great customer support systems. Some of our businesses have now turned over many millions of dollars so we know ‘through stubborn experience’ that our systems are sound, scaleable and above all, highly profitable.

Through The WebDog Blog, for the very first time, we now make what we’ve learned available to companies large and small …

Survival on the Internet requires an holistic approach and it’s a rare business that can’t improve turnover by implementing some simple, scalable strategies. Our experience has shown that even simply ‘tweaking’ and split testing headlines, colours and page layouts, we can increase conversions of a web page by up to 100%!!!